
David Townsend: 1948 – 2016

AMORGANIC was founded by David Townsend , a passionate herbalist , naturopath , reiki practitioner who had a keen interest in other natural therapy modalities such as yoga, meditation and vedic astrology.  His prime focus was on the prevention of diseases and optimizing health . David was also responsible for the original formulation of the now internationally acclaimed product – Herbex®.


AMORGANIC –   is derived from “A” Ancient & “M” Modern “ ORGANIC” Natural Medicine. Ayurvedic herbal medicine and Chinese traditional medicine both with histories of thousands of years, focuses on the prevention and management of illness by incorporating basic life principles as well as closely relating the human body and it’s physiological and pathological processes to the inherent principles of nature. These principles together with Modern herbal medicine form the foundation upon which all Amorganic products are formulated.

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